Criminal Defense Investigators

Investigators are essential to the team of defenders, gathering information to assist in representation of OSPD clients. They are involved in all phases of misdemeanor, juvenile, and felony cases. The primary job duties of an investigator include locating and interviewing witnesses, writing reports, obtaining records, serving subpoenas, viewing evidence and crime scenes, and collaborating with the defense team on strategy, preparing exhibits, and testifying at trial.

Qualified applicants must possess a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance and access to a working vehicle.  A Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, journalism, social work, social services or a similar degree, or equivalent education or experience is required

Professional young woman looking in the mirror.

Applying for a Position

Investigators are hired by individual regional offices. To apply for an opening, applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, resume, and three professional references to the office’s Chief Investigator or the Investigator contact for the regional trial office. Please see job postings for more information.

Open Positions

There are currently no open Investigator positions.

Investigator Internships

Many Colorado Public Defender offices offer investigator internships. Contact the Investigator Contact of the regional office(s) for more information. Investigator internships are unpaid and require affiliation with an accredited educational institution.

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